1. nov. 2006

The Cupid Myth: The Eros and Psyche Story

"Psyche" is a Greek word for "butterfly" and also for "the soul". At times, the beautiful butterfly of Love looks more like the lowly caterpillar; and sometimes Love lives in a self-protective cocoon concealing the loveliness inside from the gaze of mortal eyes.

Love is, as Kahlil Gibran puts it, a "spiritual affinity" - a meeting of two souls on a level that mere senses cannot divine, nor mind can explain. Love is not seen nor heard, and often goes unrecognized. Love is not in looks - it is in hearts and souls!

We sometimes call it "chemistry" - that attraction and reaction which occurs when certain people meet. If it's a sexual attraction but lacks a spiritual affinity, then it is Lust (Eros). A spiritual affinity without sexual attraction is deep Friendship (Agape).

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