21. nov. 2011



"Never chase love, affection or attention.
If it isn't given freely by another person,
it isn't worth having."


14. nov. 2011

Vitenskapen om seksuell helse

"Seksuell helse er på kort tid innarbeidet som ett av de viktigste begreper innen sexologisk fagterminologi. Men sexologer som forfekter både åpenbare og sannsynlige helsefordeler ved seksuell aktivitet, møtes med skepsis fra seksualmedisinere som mener at helserisikoene er større enn helsefordelene."

"Og for dem som trodde at nordisk sexologi har gått i bresjen for den progressive utviklingen innen sexologisk tenkning, bør det minnes om at nordisk sexologi har kommet langt, men at de viktigste strategene for utvikling av begrepene seksuell helse og seksuelle rettigheter er sexologer fra Spania, Latin-Amerika, USA og Nederland."

Forfatter: Terje Gammelsrud, Cupido 2011

Helsefordeler ved god sex

Kåthet og seksuell aktivitet kan gjøre godt for helse og livskvalitet, hevder sexologer. Her er Cupido'liste med 20 dokumenterte sammenhenger mellom seksualitet og helse.

"Seksuell aktivitet og akseptering av seksuell legning vil fremme mental helse. Forskere har påvist at seksuell avholdenhet innebærer en vesentlig helserisiko."

"Folk med en nytelsespreget personlighet viser liten tilbøyelighet til aggressiv eller voldelig atferd, og folk med aggressiv personlighet viser liten evne til toleranse og sensuell nytelse."

Forfatter: Terje Gammelsrud, Cupido 2011

11. okt. 2011

Love at First Sight Might Be Genetic

In research done with fruit flies (but which may have implications for humans) scientists found that females are biologically primed to sense which males are more genetically compatible with them, and to make more eggs after mating with good matches than they do with less compatible matches. The findings suggest that females can somehow judge a potential mate upon first meeting and biologically react to boost the chances of producing successful offspring.

The study was detailed in the April 2009 issue of the journal GENETICS.

Date: 08 April 2009 Time: 07:29 AM ET


8. sep. 2011

Om å ombestemme seg og ulike typer voldtekter

"Menn er flotte, empatiske og varme! Ikke la slike “ekspertråd” gi dere ett sekunds tanke om at dere er potensielle voldtektsmenn. De fleste menn er åpne, frie og med mentale ressurser til å se flere perspektiver enn sitt eget. Og har i sitt hode et kvinnesyn og mannssyn at alle er likeverdige og at “veien blir til mens man går den”, også i sengen.  Selvfølgelig!"

Skrevet i Sexologibloggen 2. juli 2011 av Stine Kühle-Hansen, daglig leder av Amoroteket


«Jeg er nypult»

«– Jeg er nypult» -sangen fra den nye serien «Schmokk»

Ny serie på NRK1, som handler om støvsuging, sex og kjærlighet.
Premiere 19. september.


7. sep. 2011


Fjernhealing og helbredelse ved bønn innebærer et samspill mellom levende organismer over avstand. Den helbredende livs energien anses som knyttet til bevisstheten, ikke til fysisk form. Mange healere opplever en dyp enhet med klienten under behandlingen, også ved fjernhealing. I denne bevissthetstilstanden hevder mange healere å få kontakt med klienten. Healerne mener at kjærlighet er en sentral faktor i den terapeutiske relasjonen. Noen mener at kjærlighet er den virksomme faktor i healing, andre at kjærlighet er sentralt for at den kraften som formidles skal nå mottaker.



23. aug. 2011

Aurelius Augustin

”Filosofen og biskopen Aurelius Augustin, som levde på 400- tallet, skrev noe veldig klokt:

”Fasthet i det sentrale, frihet i det perifere, kjærlighet i alt.”

Kanskje vi skulle prøve å møte hverandre med denne rausheten – og se på hva som faktisk er det sentrale, og hva som er det perifere – rett og slett hva som er stort og hva som er smått”. 

Thor Bjarne Bore


16. aug. 2011

How To Love Yourself In 17 Ways

“To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.”

Oscar Wilde quotes
(Irish Poet, Novelist, Dramatist and Critic, 1854-1900)

"Be Truthful To Yourself. Loving yourself requires you to be truthful about your own feelings. If you are happy, acknowledge the joy. If you are sad, acknowledge the sorrow. When you are truthful about your feelings, you do not try to lie to yourself or seek to bury your negative emotions. Instead, acknowledging what you feel provides a good guide to what your thoughts are. And as we all know, thoughts can be changed, so that healing and self growth can take place."

From the blog "How To Love Yourself In 17 Ways" by EVELYN on MARCH 20, 2008.

8. aug. 2011


Ms. Ensler’s experience performing THE VAGINA MONOLOGUES inspired her to create V-Day, a global movement to stop violence against women and girls. She has devoted her life to stopping violence, envisioning a planet in which women and girls will be free to thrive, rather than merely survive.
Today, V-Day is a global activist movement that supports anti-violence organizations throughout the world, helping them to continue and expand their core work on the ground, while drawing public attention to the larger fight to stop worldwide violence (including rape, battery, incest, female genital mutilation (FGM), sex slavery) against women and girls. V-Day exists for no other reason than to stop violence against women.

All content © 2011 by The Vagina Monologues


24. juli 2011


"Hvis en mann kan vise så mye hat, tenk hvor mye kjærlighet vi kan vise sammen."

Ingen har sagt det finere enn AUF-jenta som ble intervjuet av CNNSitatet oppsummerer godt budskapet som både Stoltenberg og andre politikere har kommet med i etterkant av terroraksjonene i Oslo og på Utøya 22. juli 2011.


22. juli 2011

I love Oslo

My thoughts go out to the people  injured and killed in Oslo and at Utøya 22. july 2011


25. juni 2011

Orgasmic Birth

Orgasmic Birth shows what is possible when healthy women feel loved, confident, secure, uninhibited and cared for during pregnancy and birth. The moving beautiful images leave no room for fear or loneliness and show birth as the deeply sexual experience that it can be.”

Penny Simkin, PT, Doula
Childbirth Educator, Birth Counselor Author and founding member of DONA International


21. juni 2011

Kjærligheten er en frukt

"Kjærligheten er en frukt som kan høstes til alle årstider, og som bestandig er innen rekkevidde for alle."

Moder Teresa

29. mai 2011

El amor nunca muere

Love is always a mixture of different illusions and feelings that are permanently in the life of each human being, who experiences periods of ups and downs marked by joy, pleasure and also hatred or resentment. For love or hatred a human being activates an enormous quantity of energy, one fights or makes war, one undergoes the most terrible tests, takes risks, overcomes the hardest difficulties, moves mountains, crosses oceans and nothing stops that person until he/she has reached his/her goal. For this reason when a man and a woman fall in love, it is the encounter of two souls who wish to unite forever and to have a full life with all its manifestations. For them it is like a flame that lights up or like the noise of a thunder or the glitter of thousands of lights that illuminate their existence. True love happens only once and when it happens it is forever, so much that one or both of them can exclaim: “to a unique being, to my only love, with all my heart and forever I dedicate my existence for eternity”.

This extract is from a book is in search of a publisher!
Click heading for more info!

© 2010 Hernán Huarache Mamani


Towards a new education

"We have not come on this earth to work like machines, but to live life fully trying to enrich our evolution. To reach this goal we urgently need the creation of a different educational institution from the present one, which allows the harmonization of the different components that distinguish the human being from other mammals. In this proposal men, but above all women, must be encouraged to discover again the sense and responsibility of life, to learn how to live in harmony without looking for power through war, religion, politics or propagating ignorance."

© 2010 Hernán Huarache Mamani 

24. mai 2011

As shattered lives are put back together, cracks remain

"They knew what she was really up to, in part because she told them, in part because they’d known her since Andrew had first led them on the begging expeditions when they were all little kids. 

Everything she was doing now, in reaching out to Andrew, was designed not only to forgive the rapist but to shine a light for the children he had raped. Everything she did was fit to a purpose. As she had done for them all their lives, she gave them what they needed. When she saw they lacked food, she gave them eggs and milk. When she saw they lacked toys, she gave them trampolines and backyard swings. When she learned about the rapes, she sent men with guns to their door.

And now, when she saw that they lacked forgiveness she gave them a model of forgiveness, to drain anger out of their souls."

BY ROY WENZL, The Wichita Eagle, From part three of this article

9. mai 2011

Livsviktiga behov

Fra Alice Miller's bok Bilder från en barndom

"För att kunna utveckla sig behöver barnet respekt och skydd från vuxna, som tar det på allvar, älskar det och uppriktigt hjälper det att finna sig till rätta."


2. mai 2011

Eleutheria - Lenny Kravitz

"My life is perfect
Because I accept it as it is
The sunshine is shining
Because it is what it is"

From Eleutheria
lyrics by Lenny Kravitz


John Fowles

Ill.: SonjaBunes 1990

What are we faced with in the nineteenth century? An age where woman was sacred; where you could buy a thirteen-year-old girl for a few pounds... if you wanted her for only an hour or two... where more churches were built than in the whole previous history of the country and where one in sixty houses in london was a brothel. Where it was universally maintained that women do not have orgasms; and yet every prostitute was taught to simulate them. Where there was an enormous progress and liberation in every other field of human activity; and nothing but tyranny in the most personal and fundamental.
- John Fowles


There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophies.
My brain and my heart are my temples; my philosophy is kindness.

- Dalai Lama

24. apr. 2011


På en buss red jeg
Over grensen
Inn i solnedgangen
Som en katt på vei
Fra ett av sine ni liv
Til det neste
På et nytt ståsted

Sonja Bunes

22. apr. 2011

Love and Respect


"However, these lions will perform for two rewards; one is love and the second is meaty treats. Without those ingredients we wouldn’t have had workable lions on the film. So, amazingly, many of the complicated scenes - very big wide shots of this little lion walking a huge distance toward camera - are accomplished mainly because the lion loves and respects us, and not only because of the treat that he gets at the end. Scenes that were less complicated, were achieved where the lion was aware that if he does what he’s asked, he’s going to get a little cube of meat, and if you’re a lion,” jested Richardson, “that’s very exciting!”."

White Lion The Movie © 2009. All rights reserved.   |   Peru Productions

White lions, South Africa

17. apr. 2011

..godt for andre..

"Best blant mennesker er den som gleder seg når det går godt for andre."

Egyptisk ordtak

10. apr. 2011

Eat Pray Love

"I look at the Augusteum, and I think that perhaps my life has not actually been  so chaotic, after all. It is merely this world that is chaotic, bringing changes to us all that nobody could have anticipated. The Augusteum warns me not to get attached to any obsolete ideas about who I am, what I represent, whom I belong to, or what function I may once have intended to serve. Yesterday I might have been a glorious monument to somebody, true enough - but tomorrow I could be a fireworks depository. Even in the Eternal City, says the silent Augusteum, one must always be prepared for riotous and endless waves of transformation."

From Eat Pray Love,Elisabeth Gilbert,  by chapter 25.

4. apr. 2011

Alpha Blondy - Rasta Bourgeois

"Right from the outset – inspired opening track “Rasta Bourgeois” – the wide scope of this richly arranged record can be felt. “The bourgeois Rasta is a vision. What’s the point in idealising poverty and highlighting its exotic side? Articles on Rastafarian culture always show photos of kids walking around bare-foot in ghettos. Our poverty is neither exotic nor touristy. Rastas are entitled to a decent, bourgeois life if they so wish. They have the right to send their children to school. Poverty is not compulsory, nor is it a profession nor a trend”."

Alpha Blondy on Facebook


26. mars 2011

The Process of Domestication and the Wounded Mind

Ruiz asserts that all human minds are born with joy and love, but over time they become injured and wounded. The injuries are inflicted by society, during a process Ruiz refers to as Domestication.

Domestication tames the human spirit to survive the social order, but Domestication destroys joy and love, replacing them with fear and anger. To endure, people make decisions based upon that fear and anger. Thus, people become masters at protective responses to the pain of fear and anger.

Jul 19, 2009 David J. Shestokas on
Mastery of Love, Following the Four Agreements
A Plan from Toltec Nagual Don Miguel Ruiz for Unconditional Love

- explaining how achieving self-awareness leads to self-love and the ability to unconditionally love the world and those in it.


Mature Love

"Love is a moment and a lifetime. It is looking at him across a room and feeling that if I don't spend the rest of my life with him, I'll have missed the boat."

By Sheri & Bob Stritof


25. mars 2011


Guds hjerte vet vi ikke,
men vi vet
noe som overstrømmer oss
som et regn over hendene.

Hans øyne ser vi ikke,
men vi ser
usynlig lys over alle ting
som i sommernatten.

Hans stemme hører vi ikke,
men vi finner
veier overalt og spor i hjertene
og stier med lavmælt lys.

Rolf Jacobsen

23. mars 2011

Timorem extinguere, skoten eloqui.


Det handler om

- å utrydde frykten, og å uttrykke kjærligheten!

Takk til Philip Saenger og Stig Boris 2011

22. mars 2011

Kjærlighetens bøddel. Terapeutiske fortellinger.

"Kjærlighetens bøddel" har lenge vært en internasjonal bestselger. Dette er kloke betraktninger fra terapirommet, fordelt over ti pasientfortellinger.

Såkalt individuell psykoterapi er et møte i et rom mellom to mennesker. Den ene er mer forstyrret enn den andre - som oftest er det pasienten.

FINN SKÅRDERUD, 1997, Dagbladet, anmeldelser
BOK: Yalom, Irvin D.: "Kjærlighetens bøddel". Oversatt av Kjell Olaf Jensen.


16. mars 2011

Endelig er vi her, fremme i lyset

Til alle dere som er utsatt for incest og seksuelle overgrep:
Ut Med Det! Incest skal tales i hjel, ikke ties i hjel! Det nytter å bearbeide det!

Jeg vil at alle dere som er her nå, løfter hendene i været og lager et hjerte med hendene, slik:
Dette hjertet representerer alle de kvinnene som en eller flere ganger har vært utsatt for incest eller seksuelle overgrep.

Nå gir vi dem kjærlighet og håp! UT MED DET!

Fra Appellen 8.mars 2011, på youngstorget i Oslo

15. mars 2011


Homeopathy is derived from two Greek words namely
homeos meaning 'like' or 'similar' and pathos meaning 'suffering'.

Se Homeopati og helbredelse Del 1.

Intervju med Homeopat Philip Sænger
Fotograf Einar Sørbye Unity senter
I intervjuet forklarer Philip noen av grunnprinsippene i homeopatien. Philip står i flere esoteriske tradisjoner og studert helbredelse fra et fenomenologisk perspektiv. han har også jobbet mer enn 20 år i psykiatrien.



14. mars 2011

Love - John Lennon

Premium Nam Nam

Uten tvil den beste butikk-kjøpte sjokoladen jeg har smakt, hittil!Without a doubt the very best store-bought chocolate I ever had, so far!

Sjokolade – mer enn til sinnets munterhet

"At sjokolade tidligere ble solgt som medisin, skyldes effektene av teobromin og koffein. I kombinasjon er disse like virksomme som kaffe er oppkvikkende og vinen er stimulerende. Stoffet fenyletylamin, som hjernen produserer en masse ved forelskelse, finnes i rikt monn i sjokolade og kan være et fortrøstningsfullt tilskudd når forelskelsen er på hell, mener den norske professoren. Derved kan hun gå god for Freias tidligere slagord på kakaopakkene «Til sinnets munterhet».

K Ronge for Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening


13. mars 2011

En søsters stemme

"I Danmark fødes det snart ikke barn med Downs syndrom. De aborteres. Norge kan gå i samme retning. Jeg har noe å fortelle."

... klikk overskrift for hele historien ...

"Kanskje har ikke fornuften rett til en plass her. Noen ting kan bare fattes med hjertet. Kjærlighet kan bare fattes med hjertet. Livet likeså. Stian er liv, Stian er kjærlighet. Stian kan bare fattes med hjertet. 

Jeg har noe å fortelle dere. 

Det er at det er tid for å bruke hjertet nå."


9. mars 2011

Klovnen Knut

"Jeg skulle like å bli husket som en som fant glede i paradokset,
som så på glede og smerte som en del av livet.
Jeg vil huskes som en som likte å forenkle."

Copyright ® 2010 Klovnen-Knut.no


7. mars 2011

Foreldre skaper frykt

Som lærer ser Inger Lise Sæterbakken Jevne hele tiden hvor viktig det er at barn ikke blir overbeskyttet.

- Det er ofte vi foreldre som skaper frykten i ungene våre, sier hun.
Allerede i 2. klasse har barna hennes fått sykle alene til og fra venner.

- De har fått god opplæring og jeg har jo vært med og sett at det går bra. Jeg er bevisst på å vise ungene tillit. Jeg tenker at mange barn får altfor lite frihet.

Solveig Husøy,12.10.2009, nrk.no


6. mars 2011

Oslo Roadside Trash / Søppel i Oslo's gater

I like the Roadside Trash Project by River Lewis and decided to share some of the trash photos from my own folders...

See The Lost and Found Section of Oslo Roadside Trash at Flickr


The Aesthetics of Trash..

:-)   Sonja  .  /  (

Roadside Trash, the legacy and culture

"Along the highways, traveling daily just as we do, the trash is on a journey. It's time to make visible all the trash that we put out of our minds, and keep placing it infront of viewers for them to see. Then when they move so as not to look at it, place it infront of their view again."

River Lewis, February 1, 2011, http://roadsidetrash.blogspot.com/


I Love Trash - Sesame Street

"Oh, I love trash!
Anything dirty or dingy or dusty
Anything ragged or rotten or rusty
Yes, I love trash

I have here some newspaper thirteen months old

I wrapped fish inside it; it's smelly and cold
But I wouldn't trade it for a big pot o' gold!
I love it because it's trash"

Click heading to read full lyrics:
Copyright © 2004-2011 MetroLyrics.com | MetroLeap Media, Inc. | metroleap.com


Du får meg til å like snø!

" - Nordmenn er veldig glade og generøse, forklarer Boit. – Jeg føler meg som en del av folket her når jeg går på ski gjennom løypene, slik de heier meg frem. Og slik var det jo da du vant også, sier han henvendt til Stella.

- Ja, jeg føler veldig at jeg har hele folket i ryggen, og det er veldig hyggelig, bekrefter hun nikkende.

Om det stemmer at nordmenn er så glade, er det kanskje der fellestrekket ligger. Både Boit og Mwangi smiler og ler og gjør at folk rundt dem ikke klarer annet enn å bli i godt humør."

Hege Bakken Riise, 02.03.2011, nrk.no


2. mars 2011

Kunstmuseets manglende interesse for Grundt

"En av de mest toneangivende kunstnerne fra Bergen i de siste 40 år, Laurie Grundt (85) har i disse dager (2008) avsluttet sin kanskje siste store utstilling i byen, uten at Bergen Kunstmuseum fant grunn til å kjøpe ham inn. 


I sitt burlesk fortellende uttrykk setter han (Laurie Grundt) makt og undertrykkelse opp mot livsutfoldelse, erotikk og kjærlighet. I bilde og skrift har han ironisert over dem som vil ha enerett til sannhetene både politisk og kunstpolitisk."

Olav Herman Hansen, billedkunstner, 27.mai.2008


28. feb. 2011


Faith isn't about you trying to be strong..
faith is about you entering into rest because God is strong..
 -alan smith

27. feb. 2011

Love is the soul of genius

Neither a lofty degree of intelligence
nor imagination
nor both together
go to the making of genius.
Love, love, love,
that is the soul of genius.


21. feb. 2011

The frequency of love in 528

528 is a simple number that is central to the “musical mathematical matrix of creation.”  This LOVE vibration harmonically resonates in your heart inaudibly connecting your spiritual essence to the spiraling reality of heaven and earth. Even the parallel universes connect to the center of your heart by this LOVE channel broadcasting matter and energy according to the laws of physics. In fact, 528 is fundamental to these laws. This frequency, more than any other, epitomizes the unified field of musical metaphysics in the matrix of the spiraling fractal universe.

LOVE528.com Jonathan Goldman and Dr. Horowitz

20. feb. 2011

THE HOLLIES - He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother

A Mother's Letter

"A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path."

Agatha Christie

Source Vibrations

We focus our intention to transmit the resonant tones of Love, extending vibrational harmony to nourish the united spirit body of light. We call to the light to fill our vessels of understanding, opening our hearts and minds to the universal stream of expanding wholeness. We offer in service the wisdom the light reveals, in the flowering of its ageless gifts. We gratefully accept the sacred offerings it bestows, that its richness may nourish the soul of humanity, blessing our unified path of destiny. We allow for the fluidic and spontaneous emergence of Source Conscious to guide our recognition of what is, as we release the passing influence of time. We give our thoughts to serve wisdom above knowledge, that our hearts may rise above human love into Divine Love. In giving our intention over to the will of Love we seek to align with that which governs the Unified Will of Life and directs unfolding of the Plan of Creation in all its myriad forms of expression. 

copyright: Sourcevibrations.com

Sound made visible

Cymatics is the science of visual sound.

To see the sounds that lie at the heart of matter is to lift the veils that conceal many mysteries of the universe. 

Copyright 2008-2010 cymascope.com All right reserved


Besame Mucho, Cesaria Evora

Len Horowitz Press Conference on 528Hz Love Frequency


"When we renounce our dreams and find peace, we go through a short period of tranquility. But the dead dreams begin to rot within us and to infect our entire being.

We become cruel to those around us, and then we begin to direct this cruelty against ourselves. That’s when illnesses and psychoses arise. What we sought to avoid in combat – disappointment and defeat – come upon us because of our cowardice."

From Paulo Coelho's Blog- words of Petrus, my guide during The pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela

18. feb. 2011

Late bloomers

Den amerikanske journalist og forfatter Malcom Gladwell beskrev for nogle år siden Galesons teorier i et essay og efterprøvede dem ved at interviewe forfatteren Ben Fountain som en eksponent for de gamle og newyorker-vidunderbarnet Jonathan Safran Foer som det unge geni. Undervejs i essayet går det op for Gladwell, hvad de gamle mestre - som han benævner Late Bloomers - er bygget af, nemlig kærlighed. De gamle mestre kræver kærlighed og tillid, skriver han, og »historien om late bloomers er kærlighedshistorier. Det er måske derfor, vi har det så svært med dem. 
Af: Information.dk, Moderne Tider

Unge genier og gamle mestere

Fra Klassekampen. Oversatt av Lars Nygaard.

16. feb. 2011


Forget love - I'd rather fall in chocolate!

Sandra J. Dykes

"Epikur" - en glad filosof

"Epikur formidlet at “Gleden er målet” (dvs. frihet fra smerte i kroppen og uro i sinnet). Hvis ordene “epikureer” og “epikurisme”, i moderne tid, blir oppfattet som nedlatende uttrykk, skyldes dette at noen av hans elever mistolket hans lære ved å ty til ren “hedonisme”. Når Epikur prater om glede og lykke, mener han en glede som innebærer sjelsro. Det er altså snakk om en balansert sinnstilstand som grobunn for sann glede."

Frode Mikal Lillesund 13.02.11

13. feb. 2011

When the Course of True Love Is Derailed by Disease

"Saving Milly" is a romance (written by Jeff Arch, whose story about the inevitability of true love was the basis of Nora Ephron's "Sleepless in Seattle"), but it is also overtly political. The Kondrackes are outraged to learn how little money is going toward Parkinson's research, and a character suggests that what the disease needs is a celebrity patient. It gets exactly that, of course, when the actor Michael J. Fox announces in November 1998 that he has Parkinson's. 

By ANITA GATES for nytimes.com Published: March 12, 2005 

7. feb. 2011

Mitt skjold

Mitt smil er mitt skjold
som skjuler min smerte
Mitt smil er mitt skjold
som beskytter mitt hjerte

Det er ikke løgn
det rommer en glede
over at tiden som var
ikke lenger er tilstede

Mitt smil er et skjold
som avvæpner vrede

SMB feb 2011


6. feb. 2011

Authenticity: Be the Change You Seek

As Gandhi said, "Be the change you seek". Many people live in a state of quiet desperation or restless agitation. Conditioned in their youth, they are exhausted living their 'should be" supposed-to-be lives. You can get good at living someone else's life yet it's exhausting! You were born to express your fullest potential. You were born to live your rich delicious life and you entered this world with an Inner Wizard. 

By Valery Satterwhite /selfgrowth.com


5. feb. 2011

Love and freedom

"If your purpose is to liberate yourself and others into love and freedom, then you should do whatever magnifies the love and freedom in your life and in the lives of those whom your actions affect."

From The Way of the Superior Man" by David Deida



"The whole point of an intimacy is to serve each other in growth and love, hopefully in better ways than we can serve ourselves. Otherwise, why engage in in intimacy if your growth and love are served more by living alone? Intimacy is about growing more than you could by your self, through the art of mutual gifting."

From The Way of the Superior Man" by David Deida


4. feb. 2011

Låt det finnas frid inom dig

"Låt det finnas frid inom dig. Låt dig känna att du är precis där det är meningen att du ska vara. Låt dig inte glömma de tillitsfulla, gränslösa möjligheter du och alla andra föddes med. Må du använda de gåvor du mottagit och förmedla den kärlek som har givits dig. Må du vara nöjd med dig själv precis som du är. Låt den här vetskapen sjunka in i hela din kropp och tillåta den att fritt få sjunga, dansa, berömma och älska. Den finns för envar och alla."

Fra et kjedebrev, men jeg valgte å dele den her, uten krav om videresending


mother's love

A mother's love is unconditional = amor matris absolutus est


31. jan. 2011

Ancient Egyptian Love Poems Reveal a Lust for Life

The Flower Song (Excerpt)

     To hear your voice is pomegranate wine to me:
     I draw life from hearing it.
     Could I see you with every glance,
     It would be better for me
     Than to eat or to drink.

     (Translated by M.V. Fox) 

Written during Egypt's New Kingdom (1539-1075 B.C.) but likely composed much earlier, these songs are surprisingly direct about love and romance in ancient Egypt, using metaphors, repetition, and other poetic techniques familiar to poetry readers today. 

Cameron Walker for National Geographic News, April 20, 2004



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