20. apr. 2008

"Terror Is Glamour", Spiegel interview with Salman Rushdie

Rushdie: In my opinion the word “spiritual” ought to be put on an index and banned from being used for say 50 years. The things that are put about as being “spiritual” -- it’s unbelievable. It even goes as far as a spiritual lap dog and a spiritual shampoo.

SPIEGEL: You yourself once wrote: “We need answers to the unanswerable. Is this life all there is? The soul needs explanations, not rational ones but ones for the heart.”

Rushdie: Of course there are things beyond material needs, we all sense that. For me the answers are simply not in the religious, heavenly realm. But I don’t dictate to anyone what to believe and what not to. And I don’t want that to be dictated to me either.

Interview conducted by Erich Follath, August 28, 2006,© SPIEGEL ONLINE 2006
All Rights Reserved, Reproduction only allowed with the permission of SPIEGELnet GmbH

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