28. feb. 2011


Faith isn't about you trying to be strong..
faith is about you entering into rest because God is strong..
 -alan smith

27. feb. 2011

Love is the soul of genius

Neither a lofty degree of intelligence
nor imagination
nor both together
go to the making of genius.
Love, love, love,
that is the soul of genius.


21. feb. 2011

The frequency of love in 528

528 is a simple number that is central to the “musical mathematical matrix of creation.”  This LOVE vibration harmonically resonates in your heart inaudibly connecting your spiritual essence to the spiraling reality of heaven and earth. Even the parallel universes connect to the center of your heart by this LOVE channel broadcasting matter and energy according to the laws of physics. In fact, 528 is fundamental to these laws. This frequency, more than any other, epitomizes the unified field of musical metaphysics in the matrix of the spiraling fractal universe.

LOVE528.com Jonathan Goldman and Dr. Horowitz

20. feb. 2011

THE HOLLIES - He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother

A Mother's Letter

"A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path."

Agatha Christie

Source Vibrations

We focus our intention to transmit the resonant tones of Love, extending vibrational harmony to nourish the united spirit body of light. We call to the light to fill our vessels of understanding, opening our hearts and minds to the universal stream of expanding wholeness. We offer in service the wisdom the light reveals, in the flowering of its ageless gifts. We gratefully accept the sacred offerings it bestows, that its richness may nourish the soul of humanity, blessing our unified path of destiny. We allow for the fluidic and spontaneous emergence of Source Conscious to guide our recognition of what is, as we release the passing influence of time. We give our thoughts to serve wisdom above knowledge, that our hearts may rise above human love into Divine Love. In giving our intention over to the will of Love we seek to align with that which governs the Unified Will of Life and directs unfolding of the Plan of Creation in all its myriad forms of expression. 

copyright: Sourcevibrations.com

Sound made visible

Cymatics is the science of visual sound.

To see the sounds that lie at the heart of matter is to lift the veils that conceal many mysteries of the universe. 

Copyright 2008-2010 cymascope.com All right reserved


Besame Mucho, Cesaria Evora

Len Horowitz Press Conference on 528Hz Love Frequency


"When we renounce our dreams and find peace, we go through a short period of tranquility. But the dead dreams begin to rot within us and to infect our entire being.

We become cruel to those around us, and then we begin to direct this cruelty against ourselves. That’s when illnesses and psychoses arise. What we sought to avoid in combat – disappointment and defeat – come upon us because of our cowardice."

From Paulo Coelho's Blog- words of Petrus, my guide during The pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela

18. feb. 2011

Late bloomers

Den amerikanske journalist og forfatter Malcom Gladwell beskrev for nogle år siden Galesons teorier i et essay og efterprøvede dem ved at interviewe forfatteren Ben Fountain som en eksponent for de gamle og newyorker-vidunderbarnet Jonathan Safran Foer som det unge geni. Undervejs i essayet går det op for Gladwell, hvad de gamle mestre - som han benævner Late Bloomers - er bygget af, nemlig kærlighed. De gamle mestre kræver kærlighed og tillid, skriver han, og »historien om late bloomers er kærlighedshistorier. Det er måske derfor, vi har det så svært med dem. 
Af: Information.dk, Moderne Tider

Unge genier og gamle mestere

Fra Klassekampen. Oversatt av Lars Nygaard.

16. feb. 2011


Forget love - I'd rather fall in chocolate!

Sandra J. Dykes

"Epikur" - en glad filosof

"Epikur formidlet at “Gleden er målet” (dvs. frihet fra smerte i kroppen og uro i sinnet). Hvis ordene “epikureer” og “epikurisme”, i moderne tid, blir oppfattet som nedlatende uttrykk, skyldes dette at noen av hans elever mistolket hans lære ved å ty til ren “hedonisme”. Når Epikur prater om glede og lykke, mener han en glede som innebærer sjelsro. Det er altså snakk om en balansert sinnstilstand som grobunn for sann glede."

Frode Mikal Lillesund 13.02.11

13. feb. 2011

When the Course of True Love Is Derailed by Disease

"Saving Milly" is a romance (written by Jeff Arch, whose story about the inevitability of true love was the basis of Nora Ephron's "Sleepless in Seattle"), but it is also overtly political. The Kondrackes are outraged to learn how little money is going toward Parkinson's research, and a character suggests that what the disease needs is a celebrity patient. It gets exactly that, of course, when the actor Michael J. Fox announces in November 1998 that he has Parkinson's. 

By ANITA GATES for nytimes.com Published: March 12, 2005 

7. feb. 2011

Mitt skjold

Mitt smil er mitt skjold
som skjuler min smerte
Mitt smil er mitt skjold
som beskytter mitt hjerte

Det er ikke løgn
det rommer en glede
over at tiden som var
ikke lenger er tilstede

Mitt smil er et skjold
som avvæpner vrede

SMB feb 2011


6. feb. 2011

Authenticity: Be the Change You Seek

As Gandhi said, "Be the change you seek". Many people live in a state of quiet desperation or restless agitation. Conditioned in their youth, they are exhausted living their 'should be" supposed-to-be lives. You can get good at living someone else's life yet it's exhausting! You were born to express your fullest potential. You were born to live your rich delicious life and you entered this world with an Inner Wizard. 

By Valery Satterwhite /selfgrowth.com


5. feb. 2011

Love and freedom

"If your purpose is to liberate yourself and others into love and freedom, then you should do whatever magnifies the love and freedom in your life and in the lives of those whom your actions affect."

From The Way of the Superior Man" by David Deida



"The whole point of an intimacy is to serve each other in growth and love, hopefully in better ways than we can serve ourselves. Otherwise, why engage in in intimacy if your growth and love are served more by living alone? Intimacy is about growing more than you could by your self, through the art of mutual gifting."

From The Way of the Superior Man" by David Deida


4. feb. 2011

Låt det finnas frid inom dig

"Låt det finnas frid inom dig. Låt dig känna att du är precis där det är meningen att du ska vara. Låt dig inte glömma de tillitsfulla, gränslösa möjligheter du och alla andra föddes med. Må du använda de gåvor du mottagit och förmedla den kärlek som har givits dig. Må du vara nöjd med dig själv precis som du är. Låt den här vetskapen sjunka in i hela din kropp och tillåta den att fritt få sjunga, dansa, berömma och älska. Den finns för envar och alla."

Fra et kjedebrev, men jeg valgte å dele den her, uten krav om videresending


mother's love

A mother's love is unconditional = amor matris absolutus est



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