5. apr. 2007

hat og kjærlighet

Den enkleste forståelsen jeg har kommet frem til er at hat handler om å stenge ute, og kjærlighet handler om å slippe inn.

1. apr. 2007

... nakupenda Malaika

Malaika Angel
Malaika, nakupenda Malaika. Angel, I love you Angel.
Malaika, nakupenda Malaika. Angel, I love you Angel.
Nami nifanyeje, kijana mwenzio, And I, your young lover, what can I do.
Nashindwa na mali sina, we, Was I not defeated by the lack of fortune,
Ningekuoa Malaika. I would marry you Angel.
Nashindwa na mali sina, we, Was I not defeated by the lack of fortune,
Ningekuoa Malaika. I would marry you Angel.
Pesa zasumbua roho yangu Money is troubling my soul
Pesa zasumbua roho yangu Money is troubling my soul
Nami nifanyeje, kijana mwenzio, And I, your young lover, what can I do,
Ningekuoa Malaika. I would marry you angel.
Nashindwa na mali sina, we, Was I not defeated by the lack of fortune,
Ningekuoa Malaika. I would marry you Angel.
Kidege, hukuwaza kidege. Little bird, I dream of you little bird.
Kidege, hukuwaza kidege. Little bird, I dream of you little bird.
Nami nifanyeje, kijana mwenzio, And I, your young lover, what can I do,
Nashindwa na mali sina, we, Was I not defeated by the lack of fortune,
Ningekuoa Malaika. I would marry you Angel.
Nashindwa na mali sina, we, Was I not defeated by the lack of fortune,
Ningekuoa Malaika. I would marry you Angel.

L o v e

Alien love, illustration, SonjaBunes 1999, Adobe Illustrator


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