"Jeg er økonom og har i mange år som høyskoleforeleser og høyskolelektor undervist i økonomi. Jeg har undersøkt alle mulige økonomiske virkemidler - renteendringer, skatteendringer, alternative pengesystemer. Alt mellom himmel og jord. Jeg fant ingenting. Det finnes ingen økonomiske virkemidler som løser det vi ikke ønsker løst. Så lenge privilegerte mennesker og land i verden bare ønsker enda mer selv, får vi enda mer selv. For vi har makten i verden. Egoisme, materialisme og kapitalisme står i et gjensidig avhengighetsforhold til hverandre og holder oss fast i det gamle.
Først når vi åpner hjertene våre og lar andres behov bli like viktige som våre egne, blir en løsning av verdensproblemene økonomisk og politisk mulig. Jeg fant ingen lettvintløsninger. Men jeg fant en reell løsning. En løsning som omfatter indre bevissthetsutvikling og ytre sosial, økonomisk og politisk utvikling. En omveltning som dette er ikke noe nytt i menneskehetens historie. Gjennom rennesansen på 1700-tallet begynte menneskehetens prosjekt med å flytte styringssenteret i psyken fra magens dyriske drifter til egoets mentale kontroll. Denne bevissthetshevingen muliggjorde den ytre utviklingen som fulgte. Middelaldersamfunnet ble forlatt. Vitenskap erstattet teologi og prestevelde, parlamentarisme erstattet kongelig enevelde, rettssikkerhet erstattet vilkårlighet og hekseprosesser, osv. Mennesker, bedrifter og land som er i forkant av utviklingen, er allerede inne i neste skritt i evolusjonen; å flytte styringssenteret i psyken fra egoet og videre til hjertet. Gjennom en slik indre og ytre utviklingsprosess er kjærlighetens økonomi like realistisk som den i dag forekommer utopisk. Akkurat som dagens rettsstat, blandingsøkonomi og demokrati var en utopi for 250 år siden, men er realisert i dag."
Av Per Hjalmar Svae
Kjærlighet, sensitivitet, stillhet ... - hjerte, smerte og mystikk ... - frihet, elskov og erotikk ...
30. des. 2006
Kjærlighetens bakgater
Hva gjør det med et menneske å bli bedratt? Vi reagerer ikke identisk, men familieterapeut og psykolog Frode Thuen mener det går an å peke på typiske reaksjoner hos den bedratte parten: -De fleste blir blir svært skuffet, sint og fortvilet. Ofte kan reaksjonene også sammenlignes med post-traumatiske lidelser etter naturkatastrofer, voldsepisoder eller store ulykker: Man kan bli plaget av minnebilder, mareritt og generell uro, sier Thuen.
I en bok han har skrevet om utroskap peker han på at den bedratte parten kan oppleve det som om de grunnleggende antagelsene mange bygger livet på raser sammen: Hvis vi ikke kan stole på vår nærmeste, hvem kan vi stole på da?
Av Per Kristian Johansen og Ragnhild Sleire Øyen
I en bok han har skrevet om utroskap peker han på at den bedratte parten kan oppleve det som om de grunnleggende antagelsene mange bygger livet på raser sammen: Hvis vi ikke kan stole på vår nærmeste, hvem kan vi stole på da?
Av Per Kristian Johansen og Ragnhild Sleire Øyen
25. des. 2006
En akademisk jul
På Høyden har bedt et knippe forskere betrakte julen gjennom sine faglige briller. Og den akademiske julen er svært så mangfoldig. Den handler bl.a.om jomfrufødsler og juletorsk, om lovløs julegavevirksomhet og svinesvor i tennene.
"- Gleden, framtidshåpet og kjærligheten er ingen engangsinvestering, og ikke noe vi kan kjøpe oss til. Disse verdiene trenger næring, omsorg og pleie for å vokse og for å være levedyktige. For å gjennomføre dette er vi avhengig av at noen tar ansvar. Julen handler om å ta ansvar i fellesskapets gleder og gi vern om framtidshåp", sier psykologen. Hun (Gro Th. Lie ved Det psykologiske fakultet) mener at julen og julens budskap i dypeste forstand dreier seg om et budskap om solidaritet.
"- Gleden, framtidshåpet og kjærligheten er ingen engangsinvestering, og ikke noe vi kan kjøpe oss til. Disse verdiene trenger næring, omsorg og pleie for å vokse og for å være levedyktige. For å gjennomføre dette er vi avhengig av at noen tar ansvar. Julen handler om å ta ansvar i fellesskapets gleder og gi vern om framtidshåp", sier psykologen. Hun (Gro Th. Lie ved Det psykologiske fakultet) mener at julen og julens budskap i dypeste forstand dreier seg om et budskap om solidaritet.
En selvfølelse av kjærlighet
"Studien viser at selvfølelsen er en nøkkelindikator for hvordan folk oppfatter partnerens anerkjennelse og følelsesmessige støtte.
Menn og kvinner med lav selvfølelse følte seg for eksempel mer elsket på dager da de hadde suksess på skolen eller på jobben, ifølge studien.
Som den rake motsetning til dette, oppfattet både menn og kvinner med høy selvfølelse at partnerens kjærlighet var betingelsesløs."
Av: Andreas R. Graven, Journalist
23.jul 2006
Les mer på forskning.no!
Menn og kvinner med lav selvfølelse følte seg for eksempel mer elsket på dager da de hadde suksess på skolen eller på jobben, ifølge studien.
Som den rake motsetning til dette, oppfattet både menn og kvinner med høy selvfølelse at partnerens kjærlighet var betingelsesløs."
Av: Andreas R. Graven, Journalist
23.jul 2006
Les mer på forskning.no!
24. des. 2006
23. des. 2006
Kissing under the mistletoe
The Norse god Balder was the best loved of all the gods. His mother was Frigga, goddess of love and beauty. She loved her son so much that she wanted to make sure no harm would come to him. So she went through the world, securing promises from everything that sprang from the four elements--fire, water, air, and earth--that they would not harm her beloved Balder.
Leave it to Loki, a sly, evil spirit, to find the loophole. The loophole was mistletoe. He made an arrow from its wood. To make the prank even nastier, he took the arrow to Hoder, Balder's brother, who was blind. Guiding Holder's hand, Loki directed the arrow at Balder's heart, and he fell dead.
Frigga's tears became the mistletoe's white berries. In the version of the story with a happy ending, Balder is restored to life, and Frigga is so grateful that she reverses the reputation of the offending plant--making it a symbol of love and promising to bestow a kiss upon anyone who passes under it.
Leave it to Loki, a sly, evil spirit, to find the loophole. The loophole was mistletoe. He made an arrow from its wood. To make the prank even nastier, he took the arrow to Hoder, Balder's brother, who was blind. Guiding Holder's hand, Loki directed the arrow at Balder's heart, and he fell dead.
Frigga's tears became the mistletoe's white berries. In the version of the story with a happy ending, Balder is restored to life, and Frigga is so grateful that she reverses the reputation of the offending plant--making it a symbol of love and promising to bestow a kiss upon anyone who passes under it.
11. des. 2006
How Justified Sinners Love Each Other
"My aim is to gather up some wonderful fragments of relational Christian life from Romans 12 and call you to live them out in love to each other this year in small groups – as well as all the other ways that you relate to each other.
And when I say "each other" I am thinking not only of those who are already here, or in your circle of acquaintance or even the circle of Christianity. I am thinking also of those who will become part of the "each other" from outside your circle and from outside the faith. The term "each other" in a Christ-like, loving church in a large metropolitan center like the Twin Cities is never static. It is always changing and growing. It is a sign of serious spiritual sickness in this city and this church if your circle of friends is static."
By John Piper. © Desiring God
And when I say "each other" I am thinking not only of those who are already here, or in your circle of acquaintance or even the circle of Christianity. I am thinking also of those who will become part of the "each other" from outside your circle and from outside the faith. The term "each other" in a Christ-like, loving church in a large metropolitan center like the Twin Cities is never static. It is always changing and growing. It is a sign of serious spiritual sickness in this city and this church if your circle of friends is static."
By John Piper. © Desiring God
9. des. 2006
The Color of Love
For some folks the color of love is
Red ... fiery and hot,
For others the color is
Blue ... placid and calm,
For some it's
Yellow... caring but cautious,
For others it's
Orange ... rich and fruitful,
For some the color is
Lavender... gentle and kind,
For others it's
Purple... sacrificing and giving,
For some it's
Green ... with its go, go, go,
For others the color is
White ... pure and undefiled.
But for me the color is
Rainbow ... Red and Blue,
Yellow and Orange,
Lavender and Purple,
Green and White.
The Rainbow painted by God
is a symbol of forever-love,
And as long as there is
sunshine and rain
there will always be Rainbows,
And as long as there are Rainbows
there will always be
forever-love for you.
Dick Innes © Copyright
Red ... fiery and hot,
For others the color is
Blue ... placid and calm,
For some it's
Yellow... caring but cautious,
For others it's
Orange ... rich and fruitful,
For some the color is
Lavender... gentle and kind,
For others it's
Purple... sacrificing and giving,
For some it's
Green ... with its go, go, go,
For others the color is
White ... pure and undefiled.
But for me the color is
Rainbow ... Red and Blue,
Yellow and Orange,
Lavender and Purple,
Green and White.
The Rainbow painted by God
is a symbol of forever-love,
And as long as there is
sunshine and rain
there will always be Rainbows,
And as long as there are Rainbows
there will always be
forever-love for you.
Dick Innes © Copyright
Color Of Love
I was lonely
I needed someone to see me through
I was at the end of my rope
I needed someone to cut me loose
And then an angel out of the blue
Gave me the sense that i might make it through
And somehow I survived with no rhyme or reason
And now I know I'll make it through the miracle of you
I know the color of love
And it lives inside of you
I know the color of truth
It's in the image of you
If it comes from the heart
Then you know that it's true
It will color your soul like a rainbow (Like a rainbow)
And the color of love is in you
Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of
Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of
Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of
Love, love, love
Like a bridge
Over troubled, troubled water
You stood beside me, stood beside me
And your love did not falter
And then the angel, the angel in you
Gave me the strength to know that I will get through
And that's how I survived, ain't no other reason
And now I know I'll make it through the miracle of you
I know the color of love
And it lives inside of you
I know the color of truth
It's in the image of you
If it comes from the heart
Then you know that it's true
It will color your soul like a rainbow (Like a rainbow)
And the color of love is in you (Is in you)
Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of
Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of (It's the colors)
Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of
Love, love, love
So girl, I wanna thank you
I can't thank you enough
For showing me the meaning
The meaning of true love
When i was lost and so in need
You opened up your heart
When I needed you to comfort me
You opened up your arms
I couldn't face another day
You said, "Don't be afraid"
You showed my heart the,
Showed me the way
I know the color of love (Hey, hey, hey, hey, ho ho, ho)
And it lives inside of you (It lives in you)
I know the color of truth (Oh...whoa...ho...)
It's in the image of you
If it comes from the heart (Comes from the heart)
Then you know that it's true
It will color your soul like a rainbow
And the color is in you
Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of (Oh)
Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of (It's the colors)
Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of
Love, love, love
Oh...the color of you
Artist: Boyz II Men Lyrics
I needed someone to see me through
I was at the end of my rope
I needed someone to cut me loose
And then an angel out of the blue
Gave me the sense that i might make it through
And somehow I survived with no rhyme or reason
And now I know I'll make it through the miracle of you
I know the color of love
And it lives inside of you
I know the color of truth
It's in the image of you
If it comes from the heart
Then you know that it's true
It will color your soul like a rainbow (Like a rainbow)
And the color of love is in you
Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of
Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of
Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of
Love, love, love
Like a bridge
Over troubled, troubled water
You stood beside me, stood beside me
And your love did not falter
And then the angel, the angel in you
Gave me the strength to know that I will get through
And that's how I survived, ain't no other reason
And now I know I'll make it through the miracle of you
I know the color of love
And it lives inside of you
I know the color of truth
It's in the image of you
If it comes from the heart
Then you know that it's true
It will color your soul like a rainbow (Like a rainbow)
And the color of love is in you (Is in you)
Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of
Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of (It's the colors)
Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of
Love, love, love
So girl, I wanna thank you
I can't thank you enough
For showing me the meaning
The meaning of true love
When i was lost and so in need
You opened up your heart
When I needed you to comfort me
You opened up your arms
I couldn't face another day
You said, "Don't be afraid"
You showed my heart the,
Showed me the way
I know the color of love (Hey, hey, hey, hey, ho ho, ho)
And it lives inside of you (It lives in you)
I know the color of truth (Oh...whoa...ho...)
It's in the image of you
If it comes from the heart (Comes from the heart)
Then you know that it's true
It will color your soul like a rainbow
And the color is in you
Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of (Oh)
Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of (It's the colors)
Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of
Love, love, love
Oh...the color of you
Artist: Boyz II Men Lyrics
Love Is A Rainbow
And love is a rainbow curving down from the sky
Falling crystals of colour, shades of warm that never die
Red melodies burning still lead me to the night
And sing about the sights that they are sighing
Silver shadows returning, dazzle with desire
now freezing in a fire, they are flying
And love is a rainbow curving down from the sky
Falling crystals of colour, shades of warm that never die
Brown cascades are flowing, tinged upon your skin
Like strings of violins they are playing
Green breezes are blowing, cooling songs of tone
Now dancing in a moan as they are swaying
And love is a rainbow curving down from the sky
Falling crystals of colour, shades of warm that never die
Oh the yellow of the flowers, petals everywhere
Showing how to share the dreams of dawning
Blue fades in the hours, swallowed by the wine
To still the hands of time until the moring
And love is a rainbow curving down from the sky
Falling crystals of colour, shades of warm that never die
By Phil Ochs
Falling crystals of colour, shades of warm that never die
Red melodies burning still lead me to the night
And sing about the sights that they are sighing
Silver shadows returning, dazzle with desire
now freezing in a fire, they are flying
And love is a rainbow curving down from the sky
Falling crystals of colour, shades of warm that never die
Brown cascades are flowing, tinged upon your skin
Like strings of violins they are playing
Green breezes are blowing, cooling songs of tone
Now dancing in a moan as they are swaying
And love is a rainbow curving down from the sky
Falling crystals of colour, shades of warm that never die
Oh the yellow of the flowers, petals everywhere
Showing how to share the dreams of dawning
Blue fades in the hours, swallowed by the wine
To still the hands of time until the moring
And love is a rainbow curving down from the sky
Falling crystals of colour, shades of warm that never die
By Phil Ochs
Rainbow Love Poems
We shall find the cube of the rainbow,
Of that there is no doubt;
But the arc of a lover's conjecture
Eludes the finding out.
Emily Dickinson
Of that there is no doubt;
But the arc of a lover's conjecture
Eludes the finding out.
Emily Dickinson
Kids' Ideas About Love
"No one is sure why it happens, but I heard it has something to do with how you smell. That's why perfume and deodorant are so popular."
Mae, age 9
"Don't say you love somebody and then change your mind. Love isn't like picking what movie you want to watch."
Natalie, age 9
"It's love if they order one of those desserts that are on fire. They like to order those because it's just like how their hearts are - on fire."
Christine, age 9
Mae, age 9
"Don't say you love somebody and then change your mind. Love isn't like picking what movie you want to watch."
Natalie, age 9
"It's love if they order one of those desserts that are on fire. They like to order those because it's just like how their hearts are - on fire."
Christine, age 9
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